Paul Owens
Overtoun Bridge

Paul Owens M.A. (Hons), B.D., M.Sc., P.G.C.E, TEFL was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He was educated at Keil School, Dumbarton and studied at the Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Durham. He worked as a teacher of Philosophy and Religion, and his postgraduate research included “A Study of the Divine Notions of Eternity." His interests include the unexplained, and the paranormal.
The writing of his first book “The Baron of Rainbow Bridge: Overtoun's Death Leaping Dog Mystery Unravelled” took eleven years to research and complete. He has been invited to appear on numerous TV documentaries and radio broadcasts about the Overtoun Bridge mystery.
Outside of writing his interests include drumming, and music, a passion which he has held most of his life. Having played in numerous bands, and worked as a session drummer, he has also recorded and toured with various artists.